Bernedoodle F2 Puppy for Sale by dog breeder: Matthew Stoltzfus

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Breed: Bernedoodle F2
Birthday: 12/23/2024
Color: Tri Black & White
Registration Number: PA-ICA-2101132-006
Cost: $995.00

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Father: Millwood Banjo     PA-ICA-1986202-001

Color: Tri-Color
Points towards Champion Title: 6

Father’s Health Certifications:

Eyes: Free of entropion Dental: Normal bite / no missing teeth Heart: Apparently free of any defects Knees: No Luxating Patellas

Picture of Father:

Picture of Mother:

Mother: Millwood JJ      PA-ICA-1902559-004

Points towards Champion Title: 6

Mother’s Health Certifications:

Heart: Apparently free of any defects Eyes: Free of entropion Knees: No Luxating Patellas Dental: Normal bite / no missing teeth

About the Breeder


Breeds: Bernedoodle F2
Breeder : Matthew Stoltzfus
Location:346 Millwood Rd., Gap, PA
Phone: 7174424753, 4846433555
Email :

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